Sunday, July 31, 2011

Swim Lessons

Addison had her first taste of swim lessons this year with the Red Cross.  The lessons were Monday through Thursday for two weeks from 6:00-6:30.  It was obviously not on her own yet, but sometimes I think she would have preferred that mom and dad not have been there so she could socialize instead of swim.  She LOVES the water, but I truly believe she loved the social aspect just as much.  Her class had four other swimmers which was the perfect size.

She made a ton of progress during her sessions.  The true objective of the class was to get the children comfortable with the water.  Luckily all of the kids in the class were water babies so we were able to focus on learning some basics.  The first objective was to learn to blow bubbles.  As you can imagine, this is not entirely natural.  Her instinct was to hold her mouth open as we moved through the water (meaning she drank some good chlorine water), but she caught on very quickly and now blows bubbles in the pool and daily in her bath.  She also worked on her back float (much better when you sing twinkle twinkle), using her arms and legs, jumping off the side and being passed both with her head in and above the water.  PaPa and Lisa came for the last night of class, the presentation of skills, and Grammy and Dad were out of town and were very, very sad to miss.  This was the only night that Dad missed! She was a star and we are looking forward to our class next year.

Bubble Blower! 

Bubbles and Legs!

Happy Girl

Not only does she climb all things at home, she climbed the wall of the pool.  Notice everyone else is swimming :)

Addison swimming after the duck.  She even called it duck!!  

Swimming with her head fully under water.  She popped up happy every single time!

Jumping off the side for a grand finale - what a great time we all had!

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About Me

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Our story began in 1997 during our sophomore and junior years of high school in Mineral Wells, Texas. Being the older siblings of sisters, we would occasionally have to provide transportation for the two girls, who happened to be friends. Monty and I became acquainted on one such drop off, and as they say the rest is history. Following graduation, Monty and I moved to College Station to attend Texas A&M and discover what the world had to offer. As luck would have it, our relationship continued to grow during our time in college, and Monty proposed in December 2003. Following a wonderful engagement, we were married on June 4, 2005. Following our honeymoon, we moved to San Antonio for Monty to work as a custom home builder and for me to begin my career as a CPA with a focus in audit. After three wonderful years in San Antonio, we said goodbye to all of our friends in July 2008 and made the move back to Mineral Wells where it all began for Monty to begin his own homebuilding business. We are very excited to see what the future holds and share those times with you....