Wednesday, December 29, 2010

First Word: Bye, Bye

It is official as of December 5th, Addison is now talking!!  We are so very, very impressed by her verbal abilities!  She will now say bye, bye to you when it is said to her.  We practiced before church while we were eating breakfast and once we returned from church and were practicing some more, she began repeating bye,bye.

She has been babbling for a while now, but this is her first word that she actually seems to associate and which is clearly spoken.  She is starting to also get the hand movements to accompany, but as of now the wording is enough to leave us speechless.

Her is her video of her first word and I must say it has gotten more clear each time it is spoken:

As I mentioned she is also working on her wave and is 99% there.  We love the ability to interact with you in yet another way.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Mitchell Christmas

We celebrated Christmas with Monty's dad's family on Christmas Eve.  We had a lovely meal followed by more yummy dessert.  This gathering was a bit larger than the one the day before which kept Addison very alert.  She and Jax, who is almost three, played very well together, all though I am not so sure he liked sharing his cars with her.  Addison really enjoyed the sweet potatoes that her dad gave her as the ones she is used to eating do not come covered with delicious gooey marshmallows!

Yet again Addison received a ton of wonderful things including singamajigs, a Little Tykes kitchen, dolls, clothes, a First Christmas ornament, a pink elephant with matching blanket, and more money for college (we are starting early!).  She is one fortunate girl to have a family who is so very generous to her!

The ABC money from Granny Virgie and PawPaw
Pink elephant and blanket from Aunt Heather and Uncle Corey
Oh tissue how I love to crinkle you in my hands and make noise
Action shot - pull that tissue paper out!
I believe I will check out the noise this Singamjig is making.  
That was fun!  I believe I will now yank my bow out and take a little nap.

Addison's gift to her dad was a Nascar driving experience.  We hope he has fun and is super careful because I am not sure if his life insurance policy will cover that type of incident in addition to the fact that he is the most important person in our lives!  

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Mehaffey Christmas

In order to accommodate the many plans of our families, we started our Christmas festivities with Monty's mom's family on December 23rd at his grandparent's home.  We enjoyed a yummy lunch followed by amazing dessert and got down to the business of opening presents.  As Addison is the only great-grandchild it can go without saying that she was the absolute center of attention.

She loved all of the fun clothes and toys she received and will most certainly appreciate the money and savings bonds that were given to her.  We have them tucked away for college!

Addison with Nannah.  As you will notice she has a remote.  How she love those things!  

Addison loved "opening presents", but this only lasted a short while.  After the second one, she was perfectly content to watch everyone else and take it all in.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Office Christmas Party

Each year my office throws a party and allows everyone to bring their children to join in the festivities.  This year was my first and I was delighted for an opportunity to bring Addison to work; I can never get enough!  We had lunch (Addison brought her own) and then opened gifts.  Since I was on my own for this event, I have to apologize for the lack of pictures!  Addison is one busy girl who wants to crawl everywhere which is not a good idea on solid marble floors.  The fact that she could not crawl around coupled with the fact it was almost nap time made for a mommy that was busy keeping Addison happy and falling down on photography duties.  We were able to get one with her friend Dax after she opened her gifts from the office.  They were so sweet to give her a Fisher Price book and a really nice bear that comes with the rights to name a star (we will save this part and just love on the bear for now).  We had a great time and look forward to next year!
Dax and Addison -- Double Trouble (December 16, 2010)

Friday, December 3, 2010

8 Months

It is hard to believe in four short month we will be celebrating your first birthday!  Your seventh month brought so many new things, things which continued to bring us amazement.  The most monumental accomplishment of the month is the addition of crawling.  You began at a little over seven and a half months, but by the time the reached the eighth month, you have become a crawling machine.  We are not too certain how long this phase will last as you are already beginning to pull up on EVERYTHING from people (often time at the expense of mom's hair), to your bed, to furniture.  You are too funny because you will try so hard to just stand up on your own in the middle of the floor but get caught and basically stick your bottom directly up in the air making a 'triangle'.  It is also priceless to see you crawl on the wood floor in the study because you try so hard to get the area rug to have more traction and just giggle the duration.  You are one determined girl and don't give up until a task is accomplished.
(Evidence of hair pulling - we can't even take a picture without you grabbing a handful!)

You are the happiest girl ever!  By this point you would think separation anxiety would have begun, but you are completely willing to visit with anyone who wants to hold you.  In some instances, you make certain we are in visual range the entire time, but generally you go without reservation.  You enjoy both mother's day out and the nursery at church.  It makes us so proud that you play so well with everyone.

You giggle and laugh at all times during your day.  You wake every morning with a huge smile on your face that makes it impossible to resist no matter the hour.  We are working on getting you to sleep through the night again which has been a challenge.  We have loved the nights when you get in bed with us mid-way through the night to extend everyone's sleep, but we are trying to let you stay in your bed all night.  So far it has been a pretty successful venture.

You LOVE food.  There is not a food that you will turn down.  You are supposed to have 5 - 4oz. bottles each day and three meals.  For breakfast you either have bananas or a cup of applesauce, both of which you adore.  For lunch and dinner you have baby food.  During the seventh month, you were on stage 2.  Of these foods, your favorites were sweet potato with anything-turkey, corn, cinnamon, etc., peaches, and pear-raspberry.  With each of these meals you always eat your fair share of puffs which you seem to love in all varieties.  You now hold your own bottle and sippy cup which is fantastic.  You let it fall next to you whenever you are finished to indicate that you no longer need it.  It is priceless.

You still love your exersaucer and activity table and this month have discovered catalogs and eye glasses.  For as long as I can remember, you have loved to 'eat' paper.  It could be a Target ad or a grocery list; to you paper is paper and it all tastes delicious.  We will now give you catalogs we receive in the mail and you will tear the pages out and play with them.  This will occupy you for a good length of time.  We are very fortunate it is the holiday season and catalogs come each day.  Now that you have teeth, though, we have to make certain that you have not really gotten any paper in your mouth.  We like to avoid this because 'fishing' it out with those teeth is not fun; you bite anything that comes into your mouth.  

Your new noises for the month were 'panting' like a dog and crinkling your nose and blowing in and out of it.  You continued to stick your tongue out and blow.  You love to hear yourself make each of these noises and I feel it is because it makes us laugh which you love to do.

We put the Christmas tree up right before your 8-month birthday.  As you can tell there are no low hanging ornaments or presents at this point.  We are not sure if they could handle all of the affection that you like to bestow on objects and don't want to take any chances at this point.  That is why we chose the study for the location behind the glass doors.  

We have loved this month like all the others are so blessed that God gave us such a sweet, sweet girl.  We are thankful for your health and your smiles and for all of the adorable faces and noises you make.  What a gift!  

About Me

My photo
Our story began in 1997 during our sophomore and junior years of high school in Mineral Wells, Texas. Being the older siblings of sisters, we would occasionally have to provide transportation for the two girls, who happened to be friends. Monty and I became acquainted on one such drop off, and as they say the rest is history. Following graduation, Monty and I moved to College Station to attend Texas A&M and discover what the world had to offer. As luck would have it, our relationship continued to grow during our time in college, and Monty proposed in December 2003. Following a wonderful engagement, we were married on June 4, 2005. Following our honeymoon, we moved to San Antonio for Monty to work as a custom home builder and for me to begin my career as a CPA with a focus in audit. After three wonderful years in San Antonio, we said goodbye to all of our friends in July 2008 and made the move back to Mineral Wells where it all began for Monty to begin his own homebuilding business. We are very excited to see what the future holds and share those times with you....