Sunday, August 29, 2010

We are sitting!

It is hard to really nail down when Addison began truly sitting.  She had been able to sit for a while on her own, but I am not truly sure if it counts when you are still a bit apprehensive that she might fall back at any second.  On August 29th, I feel  certain that we can say that she is truly sitting.  She is even now brave enough to reach for things after she has been sitting for a while, but that never ends well.  She has the best posture and is so proud of this new feat.  It is amazing how quickly you have moved from the Bumbo to the look what I can do all on my own phase.  We are so proud!
July 16, 2010
August 29, 2010

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About Me

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Our story began in 1997 during our sophomore and junior years of high school in Mineral Wells, Texas. Being the older siblings of sisters, we would occasionally have to provide transportation for the two girls, who happened to be friends. Monty and I became acquainted on one such drop off, and as they say the rest is history. Following graduation, Monty and I moved to College Station to attend Texas A&M and discover what the world had to offer. As luck would have it, our relationship continued to grow during our time in college, and Monty proposed in December 2003. Following a wonderful engagement, we were married on June 4, 2005. Following our honeymoon, we moved to San Antonio for Monty to work as a custom home builder and for me to begin my career as a CPA with a focus in audit. After three wonderful years in San Antonio, we said goodbye to all of our friends in July 2008 and made the move back to Mineral Wells where it all began for Monty to begin his own homebuilding business. We are very excited to see what the future holds and share those times with you....